The racing car was clocked at 160 miles p. h. This sports model makes two hundred miles an hour. 比赛什么时间进行?该赛车的时速为160英里。
The racing car was clocked at 160 miles p. h. 该赛车的时速为160英里。
Optimum methanol concentration of the P. pastoris recombinant engineering saccharomycete is 2% and the period of time for activity peaks is 96 h. 同时确定了重组纳豆激酶酵母菌的最佳甲醇诱导浓度2%,产酶高峰时间为96h。
Zinc oxide whisker and the impact arrives the maximum with 10 p. h. r. 氧化锌晶须用量在10份时,冲击强度达到最佳。
P. crispus and H. verticillata adapted themselves to different light conditions under water through changing the phenotypic plasticity and chlorophyll content. 菹草、黑藻通过改变表型可塑性和叶绿素含量以适应不同水下光照条件。